The ai4unidiversity project
The ai4unidiversity project
Investigating the scaffolding function of AI in supporting diverse student populations
Welcome to the ai4unidiversity project
In this project, we explore the scaffolding function of AI in Higher Education students with diverse learner profiles. We define diversity broadly incorporating (a) neurodiversity, e.g. students with dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, and (b) linguistic diversity, e.g. students whose first language is not English. Our goal is to investigate how AI can support diverse HE students in the domains of academic performance, communication, time-management and wellbeing.
Our team is interdisciplinary consisting of psychologists, data scientists, and designers.
We acknowledge the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Northeastern University, for funding this project.
Would you like to participate?
Take part in our study and earn £20. To take part in our study, email us for a detailed information sheet, and to arrange a mutually suitable time.
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